soils heading

Soils Study Guide



Students are expected to:

·         Recognize soil as an important resource

·         Describe basic soil properties and formation factors

·         Understand soil drainage classes and know how wetlands are defined

·         Determine basic soil properties and limitations, such as mottling and permeability, by observing a soil pit or soil profile

·         Identify types of soil erosion and discuss methods for reducing erosion

·         Utilize soil information, including soil surveys, in land use planning

·         Utilize modern soils interpretations such as thematic maps and data tables to make land management decisions.


The study references listed are not an exhaustive list of sources from which test questions are drawn.  Students are expected to research other sources for more information according to the learning objectives.


 Previous tests - 2017 - Soils - Area 2.pdf

Guide to Texture by Feel and Soil Textural Triangle: 


Soil Survey Maps & Interpretations:

If you experience any issues with the web soil survey, please check and make sure that you have turned off your browser's pop-up blocker.

Field Book for Describing Soils: 

 Then use the “Quick Link” menu for “Field Book for Describing Soils” Then open the pdf version.  The following pages will be helpful: 

Other links on the NRCS web page above which are useful:  Become familiar with the soil health/soil health management links; and the soil health/Biology Primer/Photo Galley.  Three of those photos which are useful are:  Components of Soil Organic Matter (a pie chart), Soil Organisms Living within a Soil Aggregate, Mineralization/Immobilization (of soil nutrients). 



a big thanks to Butler SWCD for putting together these resources


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